She is here! In 3D hardcover, audio, and E-book! I will be hosting an online book launch today at 2 p.m. that you can sign up for here.
Wooh! What a year. I am so grateful I am HERE and seeing this book published. There were a lot of shaky moments in the past year, even after the book was finished and turned over to my publisher, where I wondered if my body would get me to this launch.
My feral and generous community quite literally swooped in to help me get the intravenous nutritional support to keep me going in the weeks leading up to the launch. I still can’t quite believe I was able to get to the launch and see so many people. Only a month ago I could hardly make it up and down the stairs of my own home. I’m not “getting better” which is one of the big themes of this book. But the IV infusions and treatments I am getting right now are giving me enough bandwidth to write and they gave me the energy to get to say hi to so many of you in person. Each hello, exchange, touched hand, has fed my soil/soul/spirit/matter.
Incredible thanks to Noor Tagouri for taking time out of her courageous reporting, teaching, producing, speaking, general paradigm-upending work to moderate the event. This material is vulnerable and often raw for me. I felt so carefully held by Noor’s questions. Learn more about the actual forest of amazing projects Noor has brought into the world here.
Thank you to Lit Hub for featuring the book in its Most Anticpated 2025 releases and its March New Releases!
Sophie Strand has been something of a literary-world secret—her Magdalene novel The Madonna Secret and her interrogation of mushrooms, myths, and masculinity The Flowering Wand are the kinds of books that get passed from one knowledgeable reader to another—but I think her memoir is going to blow her up in a big way. It’s perhaps her most personal work yet, a memoir of illness and presence, but it speaks to deeply resonant themes of health and wellness in America in particular. Start reading Strand now, so you can say you already knew her work when this book goes huge. –DB from Lit Hub
This book was grown in the soil of connection. Thank you for all those who reached out their mycelial tendrils and changed my mind, refluxed into my DNA, and made me braver, weirder, and more resilient.
So excited for and proud of you, Sophie! ❤️❤️❤️
Congratulations!!!! I am so delighted that you have been able to receive much needed IV support to be able to participate in the launch of your book. I absolutely cannot wait to read this! I’m a huge fan of your work. Wishing this the full success it deserves and that your potent message is shared far and wide.