How to Dance with Contradiction
🔥 Author of the bestseller Warrior Goddess Training
🔥 Firewalk Goddess and Fiery Leader
🔥 Land Steward and Lover of Trees 🔥 New book coming July 2024: Wild, Willing, and Wise
Lovely heresy and liberating self healing in a cauldron of queerness, spiritual wandering, slow rituals, storytelling, and an ongoing exploration of Third Way.
Considering our northeast ecological community with curiosity and care. Deep dives, interviews, and dispatches on the flora, fauna, and funga of the moment.
This is a place for my self-published writing and advice column. I read the comments. If you Ask, I'll respond if and when I can. We will talk. Back and forth forever. Leave questions in comments, or email (200-word limit, pls).