I had just gotten off zoom with a new writing coaching client, and we were discussing the through line of stories, the choice to tell stories out of linear time and chronology, the way the GREAT BIG MOMENTS are not more important than the small encounters. We discussed how the map of her story may belong on a gigantic sheet of paper with a spider web of connecting lines, wild coincidences, spontaneous serendipities. In her story it was horses instead of a mountain lion or snakes, but to read this immediately after our call felt like a confirmation of the path. Thank you, for you.

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I love love that kismet. More and more I am excited to see that we are moving into myceliated-networked storytelling in these outerlands of the culture!!

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yes. yes. hell yes.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Sophie Strand

I love this! I have been thinking of my internal landscape as a terrain - ideas and stories and experiences to visit and travel to for a bit, and my timeline as populated with different species and beings and materials. Really appreciate the shifting dynamism you call out here - the magnetic rearranging these encounters draw out. We just moved to Colorado during a massive miller moth migration and have been shepherding dozens out of the house into the morning daily.

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Oh miller moths!! I didn't know them but now I do. Say hello to them for me :)

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023Liked by Sophie Strand

Oh yes yes yes!!! In New Zealand where i live there is a native bird called a Piwakawaka, or Fantail. They are so friendly and chirpy and they love to dance around and catch the tiny bugs that get disturbed as you walk along the earthy ground or through the fallen leaves. This time of year, Autumn, seems to be when they are most abundant, and i have noticed lately that they seem to be getting closer and closer to me than ever before. I like to muse that this is because i am becoming more wild, content and gentle in my own being, and therefore feel more comfortable to them as a being they want to get close to. I had five of them dancing around me today whilst out on a walk :)

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I love that dance of mutuality you paint, the approach from both sides!!

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023Liked by Sophie Strand

The word "Rhizome" @deleuze keeps blinking in my head when I read your words (although I am in no way a specialist in this - so i am not sure how accurate this is).

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I’m very informed by Deleuzian ideas of the rhizome!

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I am so not surprised!

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