I am once more reminded of the Zhuangzi, this time the opening of chapter 2:

“What’s here now is this: I have lost me. But could you know who or what that is? You hear the piping of man without yet hearing the piping of earth; you hear the piping of earth without yet hearing the piping of Heaven…

It is the gusting through all the ten thousand differences that yet causes all of them to come only from themselves. For since every last identity is only what some one of them picks out from it, what identity can there be for their rouser?” (Ziporyn translation)

It’s also interesting to me how so many of my favorite writers were obsessed with the ecology of sounds… if this is an outtake I cannot wait for the finished product! 💚

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Dearest Sophie -- Thank you for this benediction, this prayer for us all. I have been waiting for good words in my own voice to rise up from the dark but for now there is a bit too much noise in my head. (Mostly good noise of grandkids and holiday but I'm ready for the silence of home -- returning later today.) I'll hold on to my Sophie Beneditcion with much gratitude.

The line from a past new year poem of my own sticks with me: "May we be the questions, and may answers not be endings." I will be offering conscious prayer for you and your dear mama and family for clarity and healing, along with gratitude for the invitation to do so. I have been blessed so many times by the good energy/prayer/vibes/light/juju sent out from beloved community here and beyond when I've needed it most. You are so loved, your mama is so loved; may the intensity of illness and uncertainty be lessened as today moves into the next moment and the next.

Sending my love, from the trees and river and clouds and the pond who are my sanctuary, to you, dear one.

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That’s a beautiful quote. Is the full poem publicly accessible?

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Thank you for voicing uniquely human sounds, we’re listening, and your words bring cohesion and clarity to the cacophony of progress

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as someone who is sensitive to sound to an often disabling degree, i was so glad to read this, and to understand more about something i have been feeling energetically for quite a while

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Many thanks 💚. You have inspired me to have my classes sit with some silence in the forest in future field trips.

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sending prayers, however you need to receive them, to your mom and family. 🧡

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Singing with our earth home! Yes. Yes.

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Thank you for your Benediction, Sophie. I hope for you that your health and your family's health will be as good as possible. I'm very much looking forward to your book, it is on preorder. ❤️

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Sending so much love to your mom, and to you and your entire family right now. Prayers heading right up the ridge, with a few leaps over rivers and valleys, and on to you all.

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I love this so much. What I call WNDs (weapons of nature destruction, including noises that shatter the peace) have been the bane of my forest existence. After reading Braiding Sweetgrass, I think of them as the Windigo. This is the good food that’s needed to return the Windigo to balance.

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