Wow. I really love this. One of my favourite words -- and states of being -- is “enchantment”, and I read in your essay an invitation to keep opening ourselves up to magic. I’m also reminded of a conversation I had with a dear friend and confidante, who offers that we must keep breaking our hearts open; it is the breaking open that keeps us sensitive to enchantment and love and magic. Maybe that vulnerable physical and psychic place you were in when you went into the bar was also a broken-openness. You left cracks for the magic (man) to work itself into ✨
This is ABSOLUTELY what I believe, Josh! Thank you for this beautiful articulation. It’s the cracks that open us up to awe. The moment when narratives fall apart and something unplanned for and indescribably beautiful blooms from the rubble. 🍄
Wow. I really love this. One of my favourite words -- and states of being -- is “enchantment”, and I read in your essay an invitation to keep opening ourselves up to magic. I’m also reminded of a conversation I had with a dear friend and confidante, who offers that we must keep breaking our hearts open; it is the breaking open that keeps us sensitive to enchantment and love and magic. Maybe that vulnerable physical and psychic place you were in when you went into the bar was also a broken-openness. You left cracks for the magic (man) to work itself into ✨
This is ABSOLUTELY what I believe, Josh! Thank you for this beautiful articulation. It’s the cracks that open us up to awe. The moment when narratives fall apart and something unplanned for and indescribably beautiful blooms from the rubble. 🍄
Sophie, what a magical essay! The devil--or is it the angel?--is in the details! Hang in there and keep the magic flowing from your pen!
Thank you, Jennifer!